Nets that can be found on the Coos Bay 147.32 Repeater
The Coos Bay 147.32 Mhz Repeater has several nets re-broadcast on it 4 nights a week. These nets can be heard without doing anything on your radio as long as you can hear the digital side of the repeater.

If you want to talk on the net you must activate the DG-ID of 01 on the transmit side. There are a couple of ways of doing that on your radio and  you can find a link to do that here:

Anyway, here is the present schedule for the nets to be found on this repeater:
(all times PT)

MMWIS-Fusion                   6:00pm           Monday        - Room # 21493
MVARC-Idaho                    5:45pm           Thursday      - Room # 43210

These nets can last anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours in length.

Remember if you want to talk on these nets you must set you DG-ID for tx-01.