To Access the Wires-X Network on a Yaesu FT3D
First let's set up your handheld for Wires-X Network access. On our Repeater system we use DG-ID of "1" to operate Wires-X Network. There are 2 different ways to do this. One way is to set the DG-ID to TX-1 as we showed you to connect to different repeaters together. This radio has a trick built into the software to do that automatically. Follow the menu options to set the radio up to do this automatically.
Hold down the DISP Button for 2 seconds and you will see the main menu.
Change the DG-ID from "Auto" to "01". Hit the Back Button 3 times to exit the Menu.
Select the Wires X menu item. And select item "5" DG-ID.
Now that your radio is set up to use Wires-X through our repeaters, Let's do it!
Quickly press the Red X button.
See the different display? Just like that you are in Wires-X mode! See the bottom line of the display? This tells you what room you are in.
If you hold down the Red X button for 2 seconds you will exit the Wires-X mode. Give it a try, go back and forth.
Now that you are in the Wires-X mode, where do you want to go? Well probably a Wires-X Network Room. There is a couple of ways of doing that let's look at that now:
On the lower center of the screen you will see - "Search & Direct". Touch that part of the screen.
Now touch the area of the center lower screen that says "Search & Direct".
Now touch the screen where it shows "ID".
After a couple of seconds you will see this Screen showing "TEXAS-NEXUS" as the room you are in. When someone talks in the room you will hear it. And when YOU transmit on your handheld and talk the people in the room will hear you.
To disconnect from the room hold in the "BAND" button for 2 seconds and it will disconnect you. Please disconnect from a room when you are done using it.
Here is another way to get to a room using a name instead of a room number.
Get back to the "Search & Direct" Screen. Using the different screen buttons type out "TEXAS" then hit "ENT".
This will send a query to the Repeater asking about all the Rooms with the word "TEXAS" in it. On the screen scroll down to the one you want using the Knob on top of the radio, then touch it with your finger.
The next screen you see will show you that you are connected to the "TEXAS-NEXUS" room. Hit the "BACK" button to get back to the mail screen.
There are many more things that we could go on and on about. But at this point I will let you explore what we have done thus far - Have FUN!